AMINTIRI DIN ROMÂNIA SOCIALISTĂ / Dr. Gheorghe Rafael-Ştefănescu


Capitolul 1. Primele amintiri

Capitolul 2. „Jaful

Capitolul 3. „Înflorirea

Capitolul 4. Decăderea

Capitolul 5. Falimentul




Despre Autor (biografie)

Note de lectura - recenzie H. Hauptmann, Virtual Arad


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Prefaţă                                     Note de lectură (recenzie)



Despre Autor - Scurtă biografie (English version below)



S-a născut în 1938, într-o familie înstărită din Deva. Tatăl, avocat, a decedat în 1942, iar restul familiei se mută la sat, unde copilul devine fascinat de experienţele unei lumi noi. 

Mama este persecutată de regimul comunist ca fost “element chiabur” şi într-un final întreaga avere îi este confiscată, pensia de urmaş fiindu-i şi ea anulată. Rămasă fără mijloace de întreţinere, mama se mută la o soră care locuia la Arad, pentru a învăţa croitorie.

Copilul rămâne la internatul şcolii din comună, devenind elev fruntaş şi ulterior este ales şeful unităţii de pionieri. Persecuţia mamei continuă, iar în 1952 întreaga familie este trimisă cu domiciliu obligatoriu la Aiud.  

Fiind împiedicat de autorităţi să-şi continue studiile, tânărul de 14 ani este nevoit să lucreze “la negru” pentru asigurarea existenţei. Se angajază ca muncitor ucenic la Cooperativa “Oţelul”, unde ajunge de-a lungul anilor, controlor de calitate. Ca muncitor însă, reuşeşte să intre la liceu la “fără frecvenţă” şi ia bacalaureatul.

În 1956 este admis la Facultatea de Medicină din Cluj, dar in anul 3 este exmatriculat din cauza “situaţiei economico-sociale a părinţilor”. Se tocmeşte fochist la o fabrică de produse făinoase şi ulterior este obligat să se întoarcă la Aiud, unde lucrează pe un şantier ca muncitor necalificat. 
După un alt an este acceptat la Scola Sanitară din Arad, unde se admiteau şi “cetăţeni de categoria a treia”. Absolvind al doilea din clasă, este repartizat ca asistent medical la aeroportul din Constanţa.

În acelaşi an (1962) este readmis la Facultatea de Medicină , de această dată în Bucureşti, fiind nevoit să reînceapa studiile din anul întâi. În paralel continuă să lucreze în diverse domenii, pentru a se întreţine.
Spre sfârşitul facultăţii se căsătoreşte; vor urma doi copii, specializarea şi alţi cinci ani ca asistent universitar în Bucureşti.

Când însă admiterea la un examen pentru avansare profesională îi este blocată de Comitetul de Partid din cauza originii “nesănătoase”, hotărăşte împreună cu soţia să părăsească ţara definitiv. Este transferat pe “linie moartă” la “Policlinica pentru Sportivi” unde întâlneşte şi alţi “indezirabili”; face gărzi de noapte pe “Salvare”.

Cererea de emigrare a familiei este respinsă în mod repetat, iar autorităţile române transmit avocatului american care se ocupa în mod voluntar de caz, că de fapt familia nici nu ar fi înaintat vreodată o astfel de cerere.

Deabea în 1980, după trimiterea în occident (printr-un turist) a celor cinci răspunsurilor negative de la directia Paşapoartelor, familiei îi este aprobată, în final, emigrarea.


About the Author

Gheorghe Rafael-Stefanescu (1938- ) was born into a family of a well-to-do lawyer and a homemaker mother in the city of Deva in Romania. Following his father's death in 1942, the remainder of the family moved to the nearby village of Geoagiu in the countryside, where the young boy was fascinated by this entirely new world.

After the end of WWII, his mother was persecuted and humiliated by the new Communist regime that vilified her as a "bourgeois" and she was arrested, jailed and interrogated. The communists gradually confiscated the entire family estate and cancelled her spousal pension. Destitute, without any income, the mother moved in with her sister's family in the nearby city of Arad, planning to become a seamstress.

The boy stayed behind in the village and was enrolled in boarding school, where he excelled, eventually being elected head of the local "Pioneer" youth unit.

In 1952 both mother and son were deported to the city of Aiud (as part of the Communists' class-warfare against perceived "bourgeois") and were not permitted to leave town ("Obligatory Residency" was stamped in their ID cards). The authorities did not allow young Gheorghe to continue his schooling. At 14, he therefore started working illegally as an apprentice in "Oţelul" (The Steel) factory, providing for the family; over the years he was promoted to a position in quality control. As a factory worker however he was able to elude the authorities and enrolled in study-at-home ("open") school, continuing to study in his spare time and graduating successfully from high school.

In 1956 Gheorghe was accepted to the School of Medicine in the nearby city of Cluj. He was expelled however in the third year of his studies due to the "socioeconomic status" of his parents (in another bout of class-warfare against the "bourgeois"). He subsequently worked as a stoker in a local factory before being ordered back to his forced residency town of Aiud, where he labored at a construction site.

The following year he was accepted into the Sanitary School of Arad along with other "second class" citizens (persons without "clean" "working-class" or "peasant" origins). Three years later, he graduated second in his class and was sent as a medical agent at the Constanta airport.

That same year (1962), he was accepted again as a first-year student in Medical School, this time in Bucharest (unbeknownst to anyone, the regime's class warfare was toned down slightly that year and many otherwise stellar students with "unhealthy class origins" were finally accepted). He continued to perform odd-jobs throughout his medical studies in order to earn a living. Towards the end of the studies he married a classmate. Two children, 3 years of residency training and 5 years of work at a university hospital followed.

When the ruling Communist Party did not allow him to sit for an examination for academic promotion however, citing yet again his "unhealthy origins", his wife and him decided to emigrate to the West. As a result, he was transferred to a dead-end job in a Sports Clinic with other "undesirables"; he also worked night shifts on ambulances.

The family's emigration requests were repeatedly refused by the regime. The communist authorities even attempted to deceive the American lawyer who volunteered to help, by claiming that the family never expressed a desire to leave Romania and that no emigration request was ever filed.

Only after copies of five of these denied requests were smuggled to the West (by a well-meaning tourist at great risk), was the family finally allowed to leave socialist Romania.



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